In Jesus, who suffered, died and rose from the dead so we might have life, we know that God is love—generous, merciful and forgiving. God's Spirit of love animates our lives, leading us to respond with joy, gratitude and loving service to others.
To be Catholic means belonging to the universal community of God's people throughout the world and throughout history. Through Baptism all are made one in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God, who created all things out of love, desires a loving relationship with us. God's relationship with us is revealed through the beauty of creation, the words of the prophets, and, most fully, through Jesus Christ, his Son.
In Jesus, who suffered, died and rose from the dead so we might have life, we know that God is love—generous, merciful and forgiving. God's Spirit of love animates our lives, leading us to respond with joy, gratitude and loving service to others.
United with the Pope, our local bishop links us back through time to the apostles and the universal Church community. As a community of faith, and as individuals, God calls us to be holy. Our relationships, with God and with each other, reflect the loving relationship of God, the Father; the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith.
We are gifted through our Baptism with the unique privilege and profound responsibility to participate fully in the life and worship of the Church, most especially in the sacraments. These grace-filled moments are times when we encounter Jesus in a profound way.
The Catholic community gathers for Mass every Sunday to give thanks and praise to God. When we pray, we pray to God though Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. When we listen to the words of Scripture, it is Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word of God who speaks. When we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, we are nourished and shaped into a Catholic people. Thus strengthened to be the Body of Christ in the world, we are sent forth to proclaim with our lives the message of salvation in Jesus Christ to all we meet.