It’s a big Church. There’s a place here for all who seek it. Are you a seeker? Whether you have already made the Church your home, or if you are still searching for the path to God, you will find a community of disciples here to journey with you. Find out more...
The Church is the People of God: those who believe in Christ and who are reborn through the Word of the Living God; and of water and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ established the Church to bear witness to God’s Kingdom; to make all persons partakers in His redemption by extending the Kingdom of God throughout the world for the glory of God the Father, and to direct the whole universe to Christ through the instrumentality of all persons This is the apostolate of the People of God, and although in the Church there is a diversity of ministry, there is a oneness of mission Christ conferred on the Apostles and their successors the duty of teaching, sanctifying and ruling in His Name and Power. As an integral part of the Church, the laity derive the right and obligation to the apostolate from their very union with Christ the Head, and it is evident that the success of the lay apostolate depends upon the laity’s having union with Christ, according to the Lord’s words, “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing ” (Jn 15:5) Thus, the Christian faithful, through Baptism, are made one Body with Christ, and are constituted among the People of God; they are, in their own way, through a multitude of vocations, made sharers in the priestly, prophetical and kingly functions of Christ, and they carry out the mission of the Church in the world.
We, the people of the Catholic Church of Trenton,
are called to proclaim and advance
the Kingdom of God
in the New Jersey Counties of
Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean.
Our Diocese's 130-year history is built on service to God's people. The diocese has been divided twice to establish new dioceses and today includes the four Central New Jersey counties of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean.
Our local bishop links us back through time to the apostles. United with the Pope, we are part of a universal community.
When the Diocese of Trenton was established in 1881, Saint Mary’s Church was designated the cathedral, the Mother Church of the diocese and home to the cathedra, the chair of the bishop. Since then the cathedral has welcomed people from all walks of life into a community nourished by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthened for the challenges of life.
Our Pastoral Center staff is here to serve you and carry out the priorities of our bishop.
In Jesus, who suffered, died and rose from the dead so we might have life, we know that God is love—generous, merciful and forgiving. God's Spirit of love animates our lives, leading us to respond with joy, gratitude and loving service to others.
The parish is where the Church lives. Parishes are communities of faith, of action, and of hope. They are where the gospel is proclaimed and celebrated, where believers are formed and sent to renew the earth. Parishes are the home of the Christian community; they are the heart of our Church. Parishes are the place where God's people meet Jesus in word and sacrament and come in touch with the source of the Church's life.