When Jesus said to Peter, “If you love me, feed my sheep,” he was imparting to Peter the mission of the Church – to feed the People of God in body and soul. Your donations make this mission a reality, serving God’s people in their ordinary and extraordinary needs. Thank you for your support.
The largest fundraiser that touches every ministry and parish in our Diocese is the Annual Catholic Appeal. Our office oversees every aspect of the appeal: marketing and public relations, data and web technologies, trainings, and resourcing every parish in the diocese.
The mission of Catholic education is based on the Gospel command of Jesus to “Go and teach.” Today, in the Diocese of Trenton, Catholic schools in Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean counties welcome a diverse body of students from many different cultural backgrounds, working in partnership with parents to develop their children’s potential to become life-long learners. Please help support this great mission.
Have you often hoped to have enough money to leave a bequest to your church. The church you were raised in, received the sacraments, educated you and your children and which has been a source of greatest comfort in the most stressful times of your life. If you would like to find out how to remember the Church in your will, please call 609-403-7197, [email protected] or mail the Department of Development at:
Diocese of Trenton
701 Lawrenceville Road
Trenton, NJ 08638
Benefits the Harris Family Charitable Trust for the Aged, Infirmed and Disabled Priests
The proceeds from this event help us to maintain the priest's retirement residence at Villa Vianney; and to provide healthcare for our retired priests. Your faithful support of this day is very much appreciated and will help us to continue to care for the growing number of men who have served our diocese so well.