When difficulties in marriage are serious enough to threaten the marital bond, spouses need a place to go for help and support.
On their wedding day, Catholic married couples promise to love and honor each other every day for the rest of their lives. Marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs, and when couples don’t feel loving toward each other, a decision to love and to accept the grace of the sacrament can get them through times of turmoil. When difficulties in marriage are serious enough to threaten the marital bond, spouses need a place to go for help and support.
The first thing spouses in troubled marriages need to know is they are not alone. The health and happiness of all married couples is of great concern to the Catholic Church in every diocese and every parish. Here in the Diocese of Trenton, many parishes are staffed with priests, deacons and lay ministry professionals who are highly skilled in aiding married couples and families with all kinds of crisis situations. They can also connect families to helpful programs, organizations, and professionals in their local community.
If you and your spouse are discouraged and tired of struggling with the challenges of married life, Retrouvaille may be the answer. Retrouvaille is an international program which helps couples who are experiencing problems in their marriages. This is your opportunity to reestablish communication, gain new insights and to remember what was wonderful about your marriage. In a recent article Pope Francis praised the work of the Retrouvaille organization in saving so many marriages - READ HERE.
A Marriage program that helps couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship.
A Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend.
Primarily a practical program to improve communication, build stronger marriages, and help couples reconnect.
Presenters are not trained marriage counselors but rather couples sharing their personal stories of marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love.
The program is presented by three married couples and a Retrouvaille-trained priest. The team couples offer hope as they share their personal stories of struggle, reconciliation, and healing. The weekend and a series of follow-up post sessions help couples to reflect on the strengths, as well as the difficulties, in their marital relationship. Couples then have an opportunity to enjoy on-going support through participation in a nearby Retrouvaille community.
A marriage help program that gives couples the opportunity to sign off, get away, and examine their lives together in a real and realistic way. It’s based on the belief that marriage is the most significant relationship on earth and is worth investing your time, energy and efforts to make it the best it can be. The weekend is hard work, but more worthwhile than can ever be explained.
Retrouvaille offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage. Tens of thousands of struggling marriages headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program, which begins with a Weekend Experience that is followed by a series of follow-up sessions to help keep your healing on track and further develop the tools learned.
The Retrouvaille program is not a marriage encounter, marriaga retreat or a marriage seminar, although they share some similarities. You will not be sharing your struggles with other people. You will hear from couples that have been through the program themselves. They will share their journey from brokenness to reconciliation.
It is for couples with marriages that are struggling, not communicating well, and those who are considering marriage separation or divorce. It is also for those who are already separated or divorced that want marriage help. Some couples come to Retrouvaille during the initial signs of a marriage problem. Other couples are in a state of despair and hopelessness when they attend the program. Some couples have been married for many years, while others have been married only a short time and encountered trouble.
Marriage Counseling through the Parish Counseling Program
Couples who are experiencing marital difficulty may wish to seek the help of a qualified counselor who is approved by the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Trenton. Couples who are registered members of a parish in the Diocese of Trenton may request counseling through the parish counseling services program by contacting their local parish office.
Reconciliation Ministry - Saving Broken Marriages
Through a discernment and reconciliation process, couples on the verge of divorce are encouraged to try one more time to save their marriage. The divorce process is often messy, always painful and many times filled with the regret that something more could have been done. When the mental or physical health of spouses or their children are at risk, divorce may be inevitable, but often with prayer, trust in God, perseverance and proper assistance, couples or individuals can find the path to save their marriage. For more information on effective strategies and tools for a Catholic approach to marriage reconciliation, visit https://www.mylifechangecoach.com/ (Michele Coppola Wilson,Transitions Coach serving the Diocese of Trenton).