Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is the revised ritual book which is used with adults who seek to formally join the Catholic Church. It replaces the previous ritual text…Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
The ritual text and study guide is available for sale. The Diocese of Trenton will be implementing the new translation on March 5, 2025 (Ash Wednesday). We have these books available for sale for $20.00 each. Please contact us if you are interested.
Click here for publisher information on preordering the new ritual book or study guide.Love each other, like you love yourself, the Catholic Church preaches that more than any other church"
“In the beginning I was trying to go it alone. I was reading the Bible by myself, and even though it’s a very strong time and emotional time to sit and read the Bible, I learned that you can’t go it alone. You need community. To be part of the Catholic Church is that bigger part that was missing.” – Kyle
Being a Catholic means being part of a spiritual family. Often, it can be your flesh-and-blood family, or it can be a close friend who invites you to “come and see.” As you enter the Church, the parish community and the RCIA team will walk with you on your journey of faith.
“Listen, read, learn, do all you can do – and decide! I did. Every relationship in my life has become better. My faith has helped me understand people a little bit better. It has helped me to forgive.” – Karrie
Some decisions we make can lead us away from God and into the darkness of unbelief or apathy. Fortunately, God patiently keeps working to reach us all. Often, He does this through the Church. While sometimes imperfect, the Church is made up of many good and holy people, and it has an amazing story. The Church also offers to all the perfect prayer: the Holy Eucharist, and it provides an excellent place for God to reveal Himself to us.