“It is the presence of the Lord, who reveals Himself and the gift of His grace, that will render your marriage full and profoundly true.” – Pope Francis
Like other couples in your parish or family, you may be wondering if your marriage is fully recognized by the Catholic Church. Church law ordinarily requires baptized Roman Catholics to marry before a priest or deacon. Unless they received a “dispensation from canonical form,” Catholics who exchange vows in the presence of ministers from other religious traditions or civil officials are not considered validly married in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
Regardless of what happened in the past, the Catholic Church invites you to bring new meaning to your lives by embracing the vocation of marriage and dedicating your family’s mission to sharing God’s love.
Catholic Marriage is unique among other marital relationships because it is a sacrament that makes Christ present in our world. The relationship between husband and wife mirrors the relationship of Jesus Christ for His people. In the Catholic tradition, husband and wife accept a role in God’s plan for humanity. They are ambassadors of God’s love, and they collaborate with God to keep humanity alive.
The vows exchanged by the couple are a sacred pact through which the spouses embrace each other, and, together, embrace Jesus as their partner. Through their union with Christ they participate in the unbreakable pact between God and humanity: the covenant that was sealed in the death and resurrection of Christ.
One of the many benefits of a sacramental marriage is the power of God’s grace, which helps couples keep their commitment and find happiness together. Social scientists are finding that couples who recognize God’s presence in their relationship experience more satisfaction and are more likely to achieve lifelong marriage.
All in all, couples who choose to bring their marriage into the Church receive many gifts – peace of heart, oneness with the Church, the fullness of the sacraments, and God’s special blessing upon their marriage.
In the simplest terms, if a Catholic wishes to marry in the Church when there has been a previous marriage for either party, the partner in the earlier union must have died or the Church must have issued a declaration of nullity (frequently called an annulment) of the previous marriage.
The Catholic Church views all true marriages with respect. It presumes that they are valid. Thus, it considers the marriage of two Protestant, Jewish or even non-believing persons, any of whom marry according to their own tradition, to be binding in the eyes of God. Consequently, a tribunal process is required to establish that an essential ingredient in the relationship was missing from the start of the previous marriage.
For Catholics with a prior marriage outside the Church, the declaration of nullity is based on what is called a “lack of canonical form.” For Catholics with a prior “valid” marriage, the tribunal process is termed a “formal case.” Catholics should consult with their pastor if a declaration of nullity is needed.
View these videos to get the real story on convalidation:
Three things must be present for a marriage to be true (valid): capacity, consent, and canonical form. A valid Catholic marriage comes into existence when a man and woman who are capable, give consent to a true marriage, including all the essential properties of marriage, and exchange this consent in the proper form for Catholic weddings. Because convalidation requires a new, free act of consent, the existing legal marriage is not merely "blessed". Rather, a new marriage is made.
CapacityContact your local parish for an appointment with your pastor or his delegate to discuss the situation and determine what must be done.
Obtain a new copy of the baptismal certificate for the Catholic party (or parties). Make that request to the parish where the person was baptized. If the parish no longer exists or baptismal records are unavailable, contact the Chancery office of that Catholic diocese for assistance.
Begin collecting the necessary paperwork for the Pre-Nuptial Investigation.
Participate in formational sessions with a mentor couple, priest or deacon in the parish to prepare you for sacramental marriage; take a Natural Family Planning Class .
If there is a prior marriage for either party, seek a Church declaration of nullity.
As part of your formational sessions, you may be asked to complete a premarital inventory to identify strengths and areas for growth in the relationship.
If married civilly two years or less, attend a parish or diocesan Pre-Cana program (for first-time marriages); if either party was previously married to another person or if the couple has been civilly married more than two years, they should attend the Better Together Remarriage Retreat.
If married more than two years it is highly recommended that you attend a Marriage Encounter Weekend.
Determine the date and most suitable type of ceremony. For two Catholics, a nuptial Mass is suggested so that the first meal shared by the couple is the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. Plan a joyful get-together that will follow the liturgical service to celebrate the Church’s recognition of your marriage.(Click here for a complete resource on the Eucharist as the center of Catholic life).
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and become actively involved together in your parish community.
Convalidation Resources for Pastoral Ministers: a complete set of downloadable Convalidation materials and resources is available for parishes and pastoral ministers on our Marriage Ministry Resources page (click here).
Check out these videos for more convalidation stories from couples and priests: