A memo from the Diocese’s Catholic schools superintendent, Dr. Vincent de Paul Schmidt, was sent Feb. 10 to all Catholic school administrators in the Diocese of Trenton. It stated:
In accordance with the new direction from the Governor’s Office regarding Executive Order 280, the Diocese of Trenton is stating the following as it pertains to the Catholic schools in the Diocese.
As of March 7, 2022, masks on employed adults are optional. This includes teaching staffs, members of administration and non-contract employees. Masks on children are optional as well. If a parent deems a mask is significant to the safety of their respective child(ren) they are encouraged to have their child(ren) wear a mask within the school. At the local school level, the principal, working with their pastor, can make the determination to continue masking based on current health concerns within their school.
For further details on this communication, click HERE.
On May 26, the Diocese of Trenton announced a set of protocol changes as the faithful are encouraged to return to in-church Masses. The revisions follow:
The Bishops of New Jersey have ended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation effective June 5-6, 2021, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. The faithful are to return to the practice of participating at weekly celebration of Mass in-church. As is always the case, the obligation does not apply to the sick, those with underlying health conditions, and those who remain fearful of COVID-19 transmission.
Effective May 28, 2021, N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy lifted the mandates requiring the wearing of masks and social distancing. Yet, recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic remains active, wearing a mask is an option for those who wish to do so. The clergy and faithful should use their best judgment to protect their own health and the health of their neighbors. Moreover, those who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear a mask. Limits on church capacity to pre-pandemic levels will be lifted on June 4, 2021.
In light of these developments, the protocols regulating the celebration of Mass and Sacraments in effect since June 2020 are greatly modified, if not ended. The following guidance is provided to facilitate an orderly and careful return to parish life. No one is to be refused the Sacraments due to vaccination status.
- Pastors should devise a liturgical schedule appropriate for parish’s needs at this time.
- All doors may be utilized for entrance and exit of church.
- Barriers, tape, cords to maintain social distancing may be removed.
- Sanitizing of pews and other furnishing after each Mass may be discontinued.
- Hand sanitizers should continue to be made available.
- Restrooms may be restored to full use.
- Blessed Water may be placed in fonts.
- Missals and hymnals may be placed in pew book racks.
- Bulletins, worship aids, etc., may be distributed.
- The continued use of livestreaming is encouraged for the benefit of the homebound.
- “Parking lot Masses” and “In-car reception of the Eucharist” should be discontinued.
- Pastors are encouraged to invite liturgical ministers to resume their ministry.
- All ministers of Holy Communion should wear masks while distributing the Holy Eucharist.
- Receiving Holy Communion in the hand continues to be strongly encouraged although Holy Communion may be received on the tongue as well.
- The procession for Holy Communion is strongly encouraged at the usual time at Mass.
- The usual procession of ministers to and from sanctuary may resume.
- Music Ministers may return to their usual ministry.
- The collection may be taken up as in the past.
- The Presentation of the Gifts by the faithful may resume.
- The use of separate chalices for concelebrants and deacons is encouraged for the time being.
- Sharing chalices for the faithful is not permitted at this time. Holy Communion is to be distributed by the sacred host only.
- The Sign of Peace may resume.
- Greeting people at the church door may resume.
- Washing the sacred vessels with warm water and soap after each Mass should continue.
- Confessionals may be used where there is proper ventilation and space. Where there is no proper ventilation and space, pastors should arrange an appropriate place for Confessions.
- Sanitizer and masks should be available and used by the priest and the penitent.
- More than one infant may be baptized at the same ceremony.
- The blessing and the pouring of water from a pitcher is recommended.
- Q-Tips may continue to be used for the anointings.
- The baptismal garment may be placed upon the newly baptized.
- Group photos may be taken.
- Nuptial Masses may be offered.
- Worship aids may be utilized.
- Greetings at the door and the Sign of Peace may be exchanged.
- Group photos may be taken.
- Vigil services at funeral homes may now resume where previously suspended.
- “Open casket” visitation in church before the Mass is permitted.
- The use of the pall may resume.
- Parish meetings and socials may resume. Refreshments may be served observing local health protocols.
- Masks and social distancing requirements are lifted except as noted above on Friday, May 28, and these revisions to pandemic protocols as well as full occupancy of churches are to be implemented on Friday, June 4. The dispensation from Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation is lifted except as noted above on Saturday, June 5.
Approved by Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M.
Bishop of Trenton
May 26, 2021
Feast of St. Philip Neri
Reinstating the General Obligation to Attend Mass
At this time, due to the observance of public safety protocols and the increase in the availability of vaccines, we have begun a return to some sense of normalcy in various sectors of our society.
Therefore, we the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey, are lifting the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Days Mass obligation beginning on Saturday, June 5, 2021, and Sunday, June 6, 2021, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We welcome the Christian faithful to return to the regular participation in the Sunday Eucharist, the source and summit of our Catholic faith (cf. Code of Canon Law canon 1247 and Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2180).
This obligation does not apply to those who are ill; those who have reason to believe that they were recently exposed to the coronavirus or another serious or contagious illness; those who are confined to their home, a hospital, or nursing facility; or those with serious underlying health conditions. One should consult the local pastor if questions arise about the obligation to attend Mass (canon 87).
Finally, safety protocols (such as wearing masks, social distancing, etc.) and liturgical directives in each New Jersey Diocese remains in place until modified or revoked by the respective Diocesan Bishop.
Given on May 20, 2021, the memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena.
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop, Archdiocese of Newark
Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M.
Bishop, Diocese of Trenton
Most Reverend Dennis J. Sullivan
Bishop, Diocese of Camden
Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney
Bishop, Diocese of Paterson
Most Reverend James F. Checchio
Bishop, Diocese of Metuchen
Most Reverend Kurt Burnette
Bishop, Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic
Most Reverend Yousif B. Habash
Bishop, Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Diocese
In addition to the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses as found in the Old Testament (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21) that oblige Jews and Christians to this very day, the Catholic Church has established its own set of particular commandments or “precepts” that bind the baptized Catholic faithful. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains:
The Precepts of the Church are set in the context of a moral life bound to and nourished by liturgical life. The obligatory character of these positive laws decreed by the pastoral authorities is meant to guarantee to the faithful the indispensable minimum in the spirit of prayers and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor (The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2041).
The Precepts of the Church are as follows:
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
The following directives are provided to the clergy of the Diocese of Trenton to assist them to carry out their liturgical and pastoral roles to safeguard the health of all those who frequent religious services during this pandemic. They provide guidance for services from the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2 through Holy Week 2021 as well as other pastoral practices. These directives may be revised or changed as pandemic circumstances require.
Since COVID-19 remains a virulent contagious respiratory virus communicated between people, everyone should remain aware that risks to contract or spread the disease are possible at any gathering of people, whether indoors or outdoors. We cannot and should not let down our guard no matter what pressure is being exerted upon us. Public health officials and other experts consider the risk to be especially significant indoors at prolonged, sedentary gatherings where coughing, sneezing, and even talking and singing could easily communicate the coronavirus.
Those with a COVID-19 diagnosis or symptoms, those who have tested COVID positive, those who may be asymptomatic carriers, those with underlying health conditions or who are in a high-risk category, those not feeling well or frightened, should avoid public gatherings of any kind in general and in church in particular. Such persons should remain at home and take advantage of Masses that are televised, on-line, or livestreamed by their parish. In light of these serious concerns, the dispensation from the Sunday/Holy Day obligation to attend Mass remains in effect until further notice by the Bishop.
All liturgical/pastoral directives previously approved and updated in the Diocese of Trenton remain in effect (one-third indoor Church occupancy UPDATED February 22, 2021: in-Church occupancy raised to 50%, with all other pandemic protocols remaining in place; required wearing of masks and social distancing; ventilation as much as possible; sanitization of churches between Masses; no commonly shared hymnbooks, song sheets, missalettes or other materials ordinarily left in pews; coordinated entrances and exits; no gatherings outside of churches, etc.) with the following exception:
Diocese of Trenton
Liturgical-Pastoral Directives in a Time of Pandemic
Limited Public Celebration of the Mass and Sacraments in Church
Public “in Church” weekend Masses permitted since
Solemnity of The Body and Blood of Christ, June 13-14, 2020
Public “in Church” weekday Masses permitted since
Monday, June 8, 2020
Introductory Remarks
COVID 19 is still a virulent contagious virus communicated between people. Everyone should remain conscious and alert that risks to either contract or spread the disease remain possible at any gathering of people, indoors or outdoors. The risk is considered by public health experts to be especially significant indoors at prolonged, sedentary gatherings where coughing, sneezing and even talking/singing could easily communicate the coronavirus.
Those who are frightened, those with a COVID 19 diagnosis or symptoms, those who may be asymptomatic carriers, those not feeling well, those with underlying health conditions or those in a high risk category should avoid public gatherings of any kind whether indoors or outdoors.
As Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, I have been entrusted by the Church with the responsibility to exercise care for the spiritual needs of the faithful. I cannot do that effectively if I ignore their physical health and well-being or put that health and the common good at risk. For that reason, heeding the advice of public health officials and other scientific data, I directed the clergy and faithful of the Diocese to follow the courses of action we have pursued for the past several months.
The Catholic faithful, however, need the Eucharist for their spiritual health and well-being. It is an essential part of Catholic life and we cannot continue to do without the Eucharist and other sacraments indefinitely. The COVID 19 pandemic introduced temporary yet necessary sacrifices into our lives as Catholics. The faithful have carried the accompanying spiritual burdens heroically. Our clergy and I have shared those burdens, too, deprived as we have been of the opportunity to exercise many of the pastoral and liturgical ministries for which we have been ordained as bishop, priests and deacons. It has been our common goal during this pandemic to minister as best we could in the hope that the gradual restoration of full Catholic life would occur as soon as possible.
A dispensation from Sunday/Holy Day obligation has been granted so that the faithful could “stay home” in good conscience. Masses and pastoral messages have-been live-streamed by our priests to keep our Catholic faith consistent and strong. Churches have been re-opened for private prayer. Outdoor, “in car” Masses have been provided wherever safely and worthily possible, giving the faithful who were/are able the opportunity to be nourished again by Christ’s Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
Balancing the physical, public health precautions deemed necessary with the spiritual good of the faithful, I have decided to resume limited opportunities for the faithful to return to their parish churches, while maintaining the necessary, required public health precautions present in the CDC Guidelines, as the Diocese gradually and safely moves toward the full restoration of Catholic spiritual and sacramental life. The Post-Pandemic Parish Task Force of Pastors (P4) that I established on May 3, 2020, under the leadership of Monsignor Thomas Gervasio, vicar general, has developed the following “Directives” that I am mandating to be observed for participation at “in Church” public Masses and sacramental administrations throughout the Diocese of Trenton. I have maintained contact with the Governor and his chief counsel regarding these directives.
Common Directives to be Observed by All Parishes Until Further Notice
The dispensation from Sunday/Holy Day Mass obligation remains in effect until further notice. The fulfillment of the Easter Duty may be accomplished before the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020 if possible. The teachings of the Church regarding ‘Easter Duty’, as reflected in both the Catechism and the Code of Canon Law, indicate that there is an obligation to receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist --- preceded by sacramental confession, if conscious of grave sin ---at least once a year, usually during the Easter season, unless there is a “just reason” that requires its fulfillment at another time of the year. In the Diocese of Trenton, it has been impossible to fulfill these obligations until the sacraments are readily available again.
Parish churches were permitted to begin the celebration of limited “in church” public weekend Masses since the weekend of June 13-14 observing all requirements listed below. Weekday “in church” public Masses were permitted since June 8, 2020, observing the same requirements.
Provided wearing masks, proper social distancing and sanitation protocols can be followed, the attendance permitted for ALL Masses is one-third of the church’s capacity.
Pastors will determine the most fair and effective ways to ensure proper observance of those numbers.
Those who are hesitant or fearful because of COVID 19 concerns as well as those with a COVID 19 diagnosis or symptoms, those who may be asymptomatic carriers, those not feeling well, those with underlying health conditions or those in a high risk category should stay home and avoid any public gathering.
Mass schedules in church are to be determined by pastors and an alternate location may be selected in accordance with parish needs and local guidelines. If not on church property, all necessary permits and insurance coverage should be obtained.
A single entrance to the church should be utilized to monitor the number of people attending. All doors can be used for exiting church. Pastors and their staffs should devise a plan for an orderly exit from the church, e.g., dismissal pew by pew.
Unless there is a safer way to take up the collection during Mass without hand-to–hand passing of baskets, receptacles for parish offerings/collections should be placed at the entrance and all exits. Parishioners should be made aware and reminded of the presence of these receptacles and of on-line opportunities to support their parish in this time of special need.
The maximum percentage of seating mentioned above will determine the number of Masses necessary to accommodate the corresponding number of parishioners, keeping in mind the amount of time necessary to sanitize the church between Masses.
In parishes where seating is too small to accommodate a sufficient number of parishioners, outdoor Masses may be offered, observing all public health precautions listed in these Directives. Pastors should first consider as OPTIONS parish halls or auditoriums, etc., for overflow or provide both indoor and outdoor Masses.
Live-streaming of Masses shall continue, as determined by pastors.
Group devotions in church are permitted provided they are limited to one third capacity, masks are worn, social distancing is observed and sanitation protocols are followed.
Parish Meetings held in a location other than church are permitted provided they are limited to 25 percent capacity, masks are worn, social distancing is observed and sanitation protocols are followed. Refreshments may not be served. Attendance at meetings should be taken in the event tracing is necessary.
No public gatherings or greetings before or after Masses, at church entrances/exits or on parish property are permitted.
Distribution of flyers, the selling of raffle tickets, signing of petitions, and sale of religious articles inside or outside of church is prohibited until further notice.
All missals, hymnals, printed materials, pamphlets, etc., must be removed from churches.
Sanitation of church before and after each Mass, using approved methods is mandatory. Consult online resources for recommended cleaning: e.g. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/reopen-guidance.html
Holy Water fonts or receptacles are to remain empty.
Pastors may leave public restrooms open provided they are sanitized regularly.
A cantor may sing from the choir loft, or behind a clear screen when in front of the assembly. Congregational singing is discouraged to prevent any possible spread of COVID 19. Choirs are not to be used. The Diocese eagerly awaits the day music can return to the Mass. However, we are not there at this moment.
All directives should be posted in online parish bulletins, websites, social media, and church entrances.
Masks must be worn at all indoor/outdoor public Masses; regular hand washing with soap/water or alcohol-based sanitizer brought from home should take place; social distancing (6 feet) between groups of people from the same household and any other groups/individuals and between single individuals must be maintained at all indoor/outdoor Masses. Marking off pews is recommended.
The usual presentation of offertory gifts and physical contact of any kind at the sign of peace is prohibited.
Communion is restricted to the Sacred Host only and no chalice may be offered or shared. Communion in the hand is strongly preferred. A dispensation is granted for Communion in the hand for Masses in the Extraordinary Form. Where Communion is given on the tongue, the priest must sanitize hands between communicants.
The following methods for distribution of Holy Communion by the priest, deacon or, as necessary, extraordinary minister are suggested:
Group photographs in church after the Baptism are not permitted.
The celebrant will not receive or make physical contact with the faithful after the baptism; families should exit church immediately after Baptism in an orderly manner.
In addition to Nuptial ceremonies, Nuptial Masses and may now be celebrated in church, as determined by the pastor in light of the particular parish’s circumstances.
Number of persons in attendance should be limited to one-third of the church’s capacity, as with all other Masses.
Celebrants are strongly encouraged to keep the liturgies and homilies brief.
All present must wear masks (except bride and groom).
Social distancing is to be observed throughout the celebration.
Worship aids or other booklets, hymnals, papers and programs are not to be distributed/used in church.
Greeting at the doors is prohibited.
Celebrant will stand at least six feet from the couple, e.g. on the other side of altar.
Wedding rings should be held by the groom only.
The sign of peace and any physical contact between participants, except the bride and groom, is prohibited.
The inclusion of particular or ethnic customs that might jeopardize social distancing should be discouraged but may be determined by the celebrant.
Any receiving line is prohibited; participants should exit the church immediately after the ceremony.
The celebrant should devise a plan for an orderly exit from church, e.g. pew by pew, perhaps using the same plan as at public “in Church” Sunday Masses.
Group photographs in church after the ceremony are prohibited.
Live-streaming of the ceremony is permitted and encouraged.
All directives for the celebration of public “in Church” Masses are to be observed
Masks are to be worn and social distancing maintained
No physical contact is permitted in church
The texts for the “Masses for the Dead” are to be used rather than those of the Mass of Christian Burial
Vigil for the Deceased
Visitation and vigils in church are prohibited and should be conducted in the funeral home or other appropriate, dignified place
The casket must be closed before the minister begins
Minister and all present must wear a mask and observe social distancing
Holy water may be blessed before or during Mass and used for the sprinkling of the body. It should not be left out afterwards in any publicly accessible containers or fonts.
Mass of Christian Burial
All directives for the celebration of the public “in Church” Masses are to be observed.
Social distancing is to be maintained at all times and masks are to be worn.
Number of persons present should not exceed one third capacity.
Physical contact with those attending is prohibited
The use of the pall is suspended
Holy water and incense may be used.
Live-streaming of the Mass is permitted.
For the committal, the number of persons in attendance should follow NJ State regulations for cemeteries and physical contact with those in attendance is prohibited
At any health care facility, priests are to follow the health precautions required by the institution for medical staff; priests should sanitize themselves immediately after visit
At the home of the sick: sanitize hands prior to entering house and immediately after visit
Mask must be worn
Whether in health care facility or at the home, a cotton swab or “Q=tip” is to be used for anointing and must be burned or buried after use
Final Remarks
As with the celebration of public “in Church” Masses, parishes not ready or able to meet the preceding requirements for administration of the sacraments should postpone them until they are ready or able. The pastor is to make that determination.
Recognizing that it is impossible to anticipate every question or conceivable parish scenario, priests are directed to use good pastoral judgment and common sense in such situations, while observing these directives.
These revised directives are temporary and remain in effect until rescinded by the Bishop.
Approved by:
Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M., J.C.D.,
Bishop of Trenton
September 11, 2020